Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Module 10 – Conclusion

    Building and operating an iAVs sandgarden will resolve any concerns that you might have about your ability to provide secure supplies of clean nutritious food. As good as it is, our bio-machine is – at this stage – simply a tool. Since the performance difference between one iAVs and another comes down to the operator,…

  • Module 9 – Summary

    Summary Think of building an iAVs as being like baking a cake. Recipes are guidelines that allow home cooks to produce a satisying result – without the need to acquire the knowledge and skills that would otherwise be required if you did not have the recipe.  A recipe is a “quick start up guide” – a means…

  • Module 8 – Operate

    Operate If you’ve reached this point, please accept our heartiest congratulations. You just became a sandgardener…with skin in the game. If you’re following our lead, your new system has been running for a couple of days. One of the core goals of the iAVs irrigation regime is to remove not less than 25% of the fish…

  • Module 7 – Plants

    Plants In the previous section, we said… “If you’ve never kept fish before, you may be faintly hesitant at the prospect. Relax!    When you operate an authentic iAVs, you are engaging in freshwater aquaculture in its simplest and most cost-effective way. Freshwater aquaculture has been the subject of many doctorates…and its experts have published many…

  • Module 6 – Fish

    Fish If you’ve never kept fish before, you may be faintly hesitant at the prospect. Relax! When you operate authentic iAVs, you are engaging in freshwater aquaculture in its simplest and most cost-effective way. Freshwater aquaculture has been the subject of many doctorates…and its experts have published many substantial books. My point is that in…

  • Module 5 – Setup

    Set Up NOTE:  This is probably the most important section in this course.  Sand is the most cost-effective filtration media anywhere! And therein lies a problem. You see, if you pour water containing organic matter onto sand, the organics will be trapped on the surface where they will eventually build up to the point where the…

  • Module 4 – Build

    Build Having selected a design and layout, it’s time to build it. Sand Biofilters The sand biofilter is the core of the iAVs design so let’s get started there. Effective drainage is essential in a sandgarden and here are your options. Let’s now consider how to put various iAVs designs together. Building the Square Metre…

  • Module 3 – Design

     Design Every iAVs is identical to another in terms of its basic component parts and operating method – from a square metre to a million square metres. We’ve provided three system designs – each of them authentic iAVs – with the only difference being their size. It all comes down to your needs, preferences and…

  • Module 2 – Water

    Water Water that is suitable for sandgardening is free of chemicals and pollutants.  It’s potable – which means that it’s fit for human consumption and, – by extension – fit for growing food. Water sources include: Rainwater Mains – the municipal supply Rivers and lakes Wells and ponds There’s everything to like about rainwater. It’s free – and it’s the…

  • Module 1 – Sand

    Sand No Sand – No Civilisation Sand is a benign substance that resides in the back of our minds. For most of us, it holds no more day-to-day interest than the rocks and roads – and the other physical aspects of our environment. We know that it exists but it hardly warrants a thought. But,…

Got any book recommendations?