


We have a special announcement about this ‘guy’……this is getting exciting now……game on bitch, game on.

Remember, YOU started all of this, bitch.

Stay tuned folks for some news…….



H. Gross Obituary

H.Douglass Gross
1924 –  2022
Raleigh, North Carolina – Doug Gross passed away at home at the age of 98. He is preceded in death by his wife of 58 years, Jeannette.
Doug was born in Harrisburg, PA and grew up in Newark, NJ. He was a veteran of World War II. As an artilleryman in the Army, he fought in North Africa, Sicily, Italy, France, and Germany, and received the bronze star and the Combat Infantry Badge.
Doug graduated from Rutgers University with a Master’s Degree in Agronomy. He was very active in athletics at Rutgers, lettering in five sports. After graduating he taught at Rutgers until he enrolled at Iowa State University, where he received his PhD in Agronomy. While at Iowa State he met and married Jeannette Knutsen.
Doug then joined the Crop Science department at North Carolina State University. During his career he taught, advised graduate students, and published papers resulting from his research projects. He and his family lived in Peru on two occasions while he helped that country develop its agricultural infrastructure. He later travelled around the world to share his expertise as part of the NCSU International Programs department.
Doug was an active member of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Raleigh.
Dr. Gross is survived by his four children, Kirsten, Douglass, Kirk, and Alice, as well as four grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. The family will hold a private service.

Who is cologetmomo?

No one gives a shit and no one cares about cologetmomo, or felicia, whatever her name is.

Get off our dicks and go fuck a bike seat.

You have no life. We own you. You think of us all day, in between the 78+ hours a week you spend online pretending to be nice but mostly it;s hatred and negativity.

You are part of the problem in todays world.

Reddit, as a platform, is generally protected under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act in the United States, which provides immunity to online platforms from liability for user-generated content. This means Reddit is not typically liable for defamatory content posted by its users. However, Reddit is expected to act on reports of abuse and harassment:

Given that Reddit is based in the United States, cross-jurisdictional issues may arise. However, Australian courts can still hear the case if the defamatory material was accessible in Australia and caused harm there. Serving legal documents to Reddit in the United States may require assistance from legal professionals experienced in international law.

Steps to Take

  1. Consult a Lawyer: Given the complexity of defamation law and cross-jurisdictional issues, consulting a lawyer experienced in defamation and internet law is crucial.
  2. Gather Evidence: Collect all evidence of the defamatory statements and harassment, including screenshots, URLs, and any communications with Reddit.
  3. File a Statement of Claim: If pursuing a defamation case, lodge a statement of claim in an Australian court detailing the defamatory material and the harm caused.
  4. Seek Legal Orders: Work with your lawyer to seek the necessary court orders to compel Reddit to take action, such as revealing IP addresses or removing defamatory content.

By following these steps, you can address the slander and harassment effectively, leveraging both Reddit’s internal policies and legal avenues available in Australia.

Identifying the Individual

  1. IP Address Disclosure: To identify the individual responsible for the slander, you can request Reddit to provide the IP addresses associated with the defamatory posts. This typically requires a court order.
  2. Private Investigators: Once you have the IP addresses, private investigators can help trace the individual’s identity and location.
  1. Legal Action in the United States

    1. Filing a Slander Lawsuit: After identifying the individual, you can file a slander lawsuit in the United States. Slander involves false spoken statements that harm your reputation.
    2. Jurisdiction: You will need to file the lawsuit in a court that has jurisdiction over the defendant, which is typically in the state where the defendant resides or where the defamatory statements were made.

Compensation for Slander

  1. Damages: If you successfully prove slander, you may be entitled to various forms of compensation, including:
    • Economic Damages: Compensation for lost earnings and business opportunities.
    • Non-Economic Damages: Compensation for pain and suffering, emotional distress, and harm to your reputation.
    • Punitive Damages: In some cases, punitive damages may be awarded to punish the defendant for particularly egregious behavior.
    • Amount of Compensation: The amount of compensation can vary widely based on the severity of the slander and the harm caused. For example, in Australia, damages for non-economic loss are capped at $478,500 as of 2024, but this cap does not apply to economic losses or aggravated damages. In the United States, the amount can also vary significantly based on the specifics of the case and the jurisdiction.

Legal Procedures in Australia

  1. Court Order for Disclosure: To compel Reddit to disclose IP addresses, you would need to obtain a court order from an Australian court. This involves filing a legal request and demonstrating the necessity of the information for your case.
  2. Defamation Claim: You can file a defamation claim in Australia if the defamatory material was accessible and caused harm in Australia. This claim can be pursued alongside or separately from any action taken in the United States.

Identifying and Suing the Individual

  1. IP Address Disclosure: With a court order, Reddit can be compelled to provide IP addresses. Private investigators can then help trace the individual’s identity.
  2. Filing a Lawsuit in the U.S.: Once identified, you can file a slander lawsuit in the United States. This involves proving that the defamatory statements were false, made to at least one other person, and caused harm to your reputation.

Potential Compensation

  1. Damages: If you successfully prove slander, you may be entitled to various forms of compensation:
    • Economic Damages: Compensation for lost earnings and business opportunities.
    • Non-Economic Damages: Compensation for pain and suffering, emotional distress, and harm to your reputation. In Australia, damages for non-economic loss are capped at $478,500 as of 2024, but this cap does not apply to economic losses or aggravated damages.
    • Aggravated Damages: Additional compensation if the defendant’s conduct was particularly egregious
    • Punitive Damages: In the U.S., punitive damages may be awarded to punish the defendant for particularly malicious behavior.
  2. Enforcement of Judgment: If the court awards you damages, you can take steps to enforce the judgment:
    • Seizing Assets: You can seek to seize the defendant’s assets, including their house, to satisfy the judgment debt.
    • Garnishing Wages: Future earnings can be garnished to pay off the judgment debt.

Ignoring Court Orders

  1. Contempt of Court: If the defendant continues to slander you and ignores court orders, they may be held in contempt of court. This can result in additional penalties, including fines and imprisonment.
  2. Enforcement Actions: You can take various enforcement actions to compel payment, such as seizing assets or garnishing wages. The judgment creditor has up to 12 years to enforce the judgment.

    To begin, defamation is just the term used to describe the communication in question. There are two types of defamatory statements: libel and slander. Libel is written defamation (Civ. Code § 45), whereas slander is verbal defamation (Cal. Civ. Code § 46). I remember the difference by associating Speaking with Slander.

    We’re specifically going to analyze libel here. The California civil code defines libel as “a false and unprivileged publication by writing, printing, picture, effigy, or other fixed representation to the eye, which exposes any person to hatred, contempt, ridicule, or obloquy, or which causes him to be shunned or avoided, or which has a tendency to injure him in his occupation.” (Cal. Civ. Code. § 45).

    Generally speaking, a plaintiff has to prove four things when asserting defamation in the form of libel:

    (1) the defendant recklessly, negligently, or intentionally published a statement of fact (2) about the plaintiff that was (3) false, which (4) caused injury or special damage to the plaintiff. (See: Oumere LLC v. Zarpas, No. 8:21-cv-00224-DOC(JDEx), 2021 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 129717, at *6 (C.D. Cal. June 29, 2021); quoting Hecimovich v. Encinal School Parent Teacher Org. Org., 203 Cal. App. 4th 450, 470, 137 Cal. Rptr. 3d 455 (2012)). Special damages are “damages that plaintiff alleges and proves that he or she has suffered in respect to his or her property, business, trade, profession, or occupation, including the amounts of money the plaintiff alleges and proves he or she has expended as a result of the alleged libel, and no other.” (Civ. Code § 48a. (c)(2))

    California recognizes two types of defamation: “defamation per se” and “defamation per quod.”

    Defamation per se: false statements that are so damaging, we don’t even need to consider the surrounding circumstances or have any proof that the statement is false. It’s defamatory on its face. A plaintiff claiming defamation per se doesn’t have to prove special damages.