Tag: night

  • THE LOST WAYS Third Edition

    THE LOST WAYS Third Edition This book is dedicated to all the pioneers who overcame the toughest times and built one of the greatest nations of all. 3 Special thanks to all the authors for making this book possible: S. Patrick Susan Morrow Erik Bainbridge M. Taylor Theresa Anne DeMario Lex Rooker S. Walter Shannon…

  • KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSIT Y AQUAPONICS Production Manual A Practical Handbook for Growers *needs work

    A Practical Handbook for Growers source; http://www.ksuaquaculture.org/PDFs/aquaponics_handbook_2021_final_022421.pdf AQUAPONICS Production Manual KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSIT Y JANELLE HAGER LEIGH ANNE BRIGHT JOSH DUSCI JAMES TIDWELL • • • Janelle Hager Research and Extension Associate Aquaponics Kentucky State University janelle.hager@kysu.edu Leigh Anne Bright Senior Research Associate and Assistant Graduate Coordinator Kentucky State University leighanne.bright@kysu.edu Josh Dusci Graduate Research…

  • Module 8 – Operate

    Operate If you’ve reached this point, please accept our heartiest congratulations. You just became a sandgardener…with skin in the game. If you’re following our lead, your new system has been running for a couple of days. One of the core goals of the iAVs irrigation regime is to remove not less than 25% of the fish…

  • Module 6 – Fish

    Fish If you’ve never kept fish before, you may be faintly hesitant at the prospect. Relax! When you operate authentic iAVs, you are engaging in freshwater aquaculture in its simplest and most cost-effective way. Freshwater aquaculture has been the subject of many doctorates…and its experts have published many substantial books. My point is that in…