Tag: phosphate
KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSIT Y AQUAPONICS Production Manual A Practical Handbook for Growers *needs work
A Practical Handbook for Growers source; http://www.ksuaquaculture.org/PDFs/aquaponics_handbook_2021_final_022421.pdf AQUAPONICS Production Manual KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSIT Y JANELLE HAGER LEIGH ANNE BRIGHT JOSH DUSCI JAMES TIDWELL • • • Janelle Hager Research and Extension Associate Aquaponics Kentucky State University janelle.hager@kysu.edu Leigh Anne Bright Senior Research Associate and Assistant Graduate Coordinator Kentucky State University leighanne.bright@kysu.edu Josh Dusci Graduate Research…
Overcoming major bottlenecks in aquaponics – A practical approach (summary)
great references on why AP is not good enough – also sectionsonnitratelevels Summary Aquaponics is the combination of fish production in aquaculture and hydroponic (soilless) production of crop plants. Despite of representing already a sustainable, innovative approach for future food production systems, aquaponics are still missing economic success and up to date major bottlenecks were…
Nitrification in rapid sand filter: phosphate limitation at low temperatures – unprocessed
In winter 1995-1996 the RSF of AWS River-Lake Waterworks suffered from ammonium breakthrough. Research indicated that the nitrification was limited by stagnated growth of the nitrifying bacteria due to low phosphate concentrations at low temperatures (0-3°C). Phosphoric acid was dosed prior to the RSF (dose 35-50 μg PO43- -P.l-1) to stimulate bacteria growth. Two weeks after…