Tag: NH4

  • KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSIT Y AQUAPONICS Production Manual A Practical Handbook for Growers *needs work

    A Practical Handbook for Growers source; http://www.ksuaquaculture.org/PDFs/aquaponics_handbook_2021_final_022421.pdf AQUAPONICS Production Manual KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSIT Y JANELLE HAGER LEIGH ANNE BRIGHT JOSH DUSCI JAMES TIDWELL • • • Janelle Hager Research and Extension Associate Aquaponics Kentucky State University janelle.hager@kysu.edu Leigh Anne Bright Senior Research Associate and Assistant Graduate Coordinator Kentucky State University leighanne.bright@kysu.edu Josh Dusci Graduate Research…

  • 5.4.1. Nitrate in Depth

    Predicate All discussions of research papers on nitrate must be predicated with a caution. The 10 ppm of nitrate of the scientists, (the Hach test kit and the Lamotte test kit) is a 44 ppm test level of nitrate via the “normal” aquarium test kits (API aquarium test kit, the Seachem Multitest kit, the Sera…

  • Microbial community analysis of biofilters reveals a dominance of either comammox Nitrospira or archaea as ammonia oxidizers in freshwater aquaria

    may not be relevant to iAVs and doesn’t have info on amommox Microbial community analysis of biofilters reveals a dominance of either comammox Nitrospira or archaea as ammonia oxidizers in freshwater aquaria  View ORCID ProfileMichelle M. McKnight,  View ORCID ProfileJosh D. Neufeld doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.11.24.468873 This article is a preprint and has not been certified by peer review [what does this mean?].…

  • Utilization of effluent fish farms in tomato cultivation

    Utilization of effluent fish farms in tomato cultivation Author links open overlay panelEl-Sayed G. Khater a, Adel H. Bahnasawy a, Abd El-Hakeem S. Shams a, Mohamed S. Hassaan b, Yasmin A. Hassan a Show more Add to Mendeley Share Cite https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2015.06.010Get rights and content Abstract The main objective of this research is to study to which extent the content of nutrients in water farming is sufficient for growing tomato…

  • Soil Minerals and Plant Nutrition

    gold “Water is the driving force of all nature.” – Leonardo da Vinci Water is a ubiquitous and critically important substance on Earth. Essential to all living things and the health of ecosystems (Moss 2010), water is considered a prerequisite for life on other planets (Marais et al. 2008). The availability of water even partially controls…


    COMBINED PRODUCTION OF FISH AND PLANTS IN RECIRCULATING WATER LUDWIG C.A. NAEGEL Instituí für Küsten- und Binnenfischerei der Bundesforschungsanstalt für Fischerei, Hamburg, Aussenstelle Ahrensburg (Federal Republic o f Germany) (Received 9 September 1976) ABSTRACT Naegel, L.C .A ., 1977. Com bined production o f fish and plants in recirculating water. Aquaculture, 10: 17—24. A pilot…